Here's an update to New Frontiers, an SoA 2 campaign map with 79 canonically-placed planets. - Reduced phase lane travel time - Correct start templates on homeworlds New Frontiers (Campaign Map) Version 1.1 For use with Star Trek: Sacrifice of Angels 2 Exhausted by bloodshed and eager for a better future, strangers begin to explore the unknown together. Will their hopes endure more tragedy and loss? Player 1: United Federation of Planets Player 2: Klingon Empire Player 3: Romulan Star Empire Player 4: Dominion Player 5: Borg Collective 1. Download STSOA2 New Frontiers.galaxy 2. Move STSOA2 New Frontiers.galaxy to Documents/My Games/Ironclad Games/Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion/GalaxyForge Set Game Options to: Unlocked Teams, Large Fleet Sizes, Orion Syndicate Inactive, Normal Start Set Victory Options to: Capital Victory On, Allied Victory On I prefer playing at a leisurely pace, with the Khitomer Accords and the Neutral Zone in place, so I start with Klingons and Romulans as allies, while Unlocked Teams just makes things more interesting. You could emulate the founding of the Federation by placing each player on their own team. I usually make Romulan AI behavior Fortifier because of their extreme secrecy.