Изменения в 3.21: * Обновлен мод до Rebellion 1.85. Поддержка Outlaw сектора DLC. * Добавлены новые флеш эффекты для Star Wars орудий. * Исправлено наведение у некоторых способностей. * Исправлена способность истребитель Рой у нейтрального Разрушителя Звезд Венатор. Изменения в 3.3: * Пираты заменены на Мандалорских рейдеров. Переживите нападение этого мощного врага и победите их, чтобы разблокировать новые мощные корабли. * Новый тип родной планеты "Мандалорианская База", а также новые специальные планеты Звездных войн Мандалор. * Способность Rebel Scum (Восстание Скум) Имперского Звёздного разрушителя-II теперь правильно применяется к нескольким целям. * Способность Имперского Звёздного разрушителя-II Symbols of Empire (Символы Империи) теперь корректно излечивает себя так же, как цель. * Исправлена ошибка минидополнения сброс уровня титана где здание Grand Moff Ardus Kaine не работало правильно. * Броня Гладиатора класса Звездный Разрушитель увеличилась с 1 до 2. * Повстанческие корабли теперь используют различные эффекты взрывов при бомбардировке планеты. Изменения в 3.31: - Совместимость c Rebellion 1.90 - Добавлена новая карта Mandalorian Space. - Альянс повстанцев теперь начинает каждую игру с 2 Corellian Corvettes и фрегатом Nebulon-B. - Немного уменьшен шанс появления Star Forge и станции Centerpoint. - Аккламаторские корабли нападения теперь будут автоматически присоединяться к флотам. - Цель Victory-II Разрушителей Звезд Способность Коммуникации больше не может использоваться против неуязвимых целей. - Отрегулирован залп Бортовых Крейсеров, что они теперь могут стрелять в любую цель. - Добавлены новые частицы анимации стрельбы для VSD-I Boron Ракетной эскадрильи. Изменения в 3.32: - Добавлена новая планета Кессел из Звездных Войн. Может случайно появляются на большинстве карт, а также Galaxy Far, Far Away картах. - Дана фрегату Nebulon-B небольшая эскадрилья X-крыла, увеличено снабжение флота от 6 до 7, соответственно слегка ребалансинг статов. - Улучшена спасобность "Power Transfer(Передача Мощности)" для крейсеров Bulk, время перезарядки от 30 до 35 секунд. - Снижен бонус регенерации щита способности Overlapping Shields(Перекрывающие щиты) у MC80 Liberty's с 75% до 62,5% на уровень. - Добавлено исследование, чтобы разблокировать новое оружие Proton Torpedoe(Протонные Торпеды) на эскадрильях Rebel X и A-wing. - Исправлен тип повреждений титана, истребителя, анти-истребительных пушек Имперской Звездной базы. - Увеличена продолжительность атаки атакующего истребителя Адмирала Акбара на более высоких уровнях (60/80/100/120). - Немного уменьшены дополнительные очки корпуса MC80, предоставленные способностью Credibility(Вероятность) на более высоких уровнях. - Увеличен бонус к урону MC80B от способности Final stand(Финальная Стойка) до 10/18/25/30%. - Совместимость с Enhanced 4X версии 1.84, которая исправляет сбой «Advent Freeze(Задержку Идущих)». Изменения в 3.32.1: - Совместимость с версией Rebellion 1.92. - Исправлена проблема, при которой случайные события не всегда возникали в космическом мусоре. - Уровень 5 Мандалорских рейдов теперь будет порождать фрегаты Месть(Vengeance), как и предполагалось. Изменения в 3.34: - Совместимость с версией 1.94. - Добавлена поддержка DLC Minor Faction. - Добавлены следующие второстепенные фракции Star Wars: -Corporate Sector Authority -Hutt Cartel -Greater Maldrood -Ciutric Hegemony -Corellian Resistance -Council of Neutral Systems -Dxun Mercenaries Добавлены следующие новые столицы: -Lucrehulk Battleship - может быть приобретен у минорной фракции Управления корпоративного сектора. -Chelandion Assault Cruiser - может быть приобретен VCC или через минорную фракцию Хатт Картель. -MC75 Ordinance Cruiser - столица Альянса повстанцев, напоминает модель старого MC80a. Обновлены модели и/или текстуры для большого количества юнитов, в том числе: -MC80 Star Cruiser -MC80 Command Cruiser -MC80B Star Cruiser -Dauntless Heavy Cruiser -MC40a Light Cruiser -Nebulon-B Frigate -Quasar Fire Carrier -CR90 Correlian Corvette -DP20 Corellian Gunship -Bellator Star Dreadnaught -Allegiance Battlecruiser -Carrick Cruiser -Lancer Frigate Добавлено новое вступительное видео Crawl от BouncyTEM! Баланс изменяется на Адмирала Акбара: -Увеличены начальные очки щита адмирала Акбара с 3619 до 3919. -Удвоение пассивного урона от заклинаний «Сокол тысячелетия»/«Ландо Калриссиан» увеличено со 100% до 200%. -Способность Ландо «We won't Get Another Chance» увеличена с 20% до 25%. -Бонус урона от способности Lando «Point Blank Range» увеличен с 33% до 45%. -Убрана стоимость антивещества для способности Ландо "Missile Burst". - Заменена способность MC80 Star Cruisers Deploy Gunship на Deploy A-wing (больше не используется на MC80a / MC75). - Уменьшен урон от антимодулей против крупных кораблей, тяжелых крейсеров, легких фрегатов и корветов. - Легкий крейсер MC40a теперь перевозит 2 эскадрильи, увеличил запас флота с 28 до 30, соответственно повышена стоимость. - Увеличен шанс обхода щита и увеличение урона от бомб с планеты без осквернения с 5% до 10%. - У VCC теперь есть технология Hutt Vassals(Хатт Вассалс), которая открывает возможности Chelandion Assault Cruiser и Hutt Conscripts на фрегатах, что позволяет им нанимать корабли ополчения Звездных Войн. - Увеличено снабжение флота CR92A «Modified Corvette(Модифицированный корвет)» с 4 до 5, соответственно улучшена статистика. - Добавлено турболазерное оружие в DP20 Corellian Gunship, немного уменьшена Протонная Торпеда и корпус для компенсации. - Уменьшен процент поглощения планетой Повстанческих и Имперских генераторов щитов с 65% до 60%. - Исправлена ошибка звука одного из мандалорианских турболазерных звуков. - Обновленное встречное описание TIE Bomber (B) и MC30. - Исправлено название/описание торгового улучшения Звездной Базы Альянса. Изменения в 3.5 (Beta 1): - Added New Republic faction! - New Minor Factions! - Black Sun - Clan Skirata - Duskhan League (AKA Yavetha) - Hapes Consortium - Partisans - Sullustan Home Guard - Zann Consortium - Some vanilla minor factions were removed. These can be readded with the "All E4X Random Encounters" minimod. - Rebel Alliance Balance Changes - Reduced Rebel Alliance tax income penalty from 20% to 15%. - Rebel Trade Ports are now called "Free Ports". They host both Rebel Cargo ships and those of certain smuggling operations. - Rebel Alliance can now build trade ports at the start of the game, but these generate a small amount of credits rather than trade. After researching a tier 2 tech, they activate as trade ports. - The Rebel Alliance now starts with a trade port structure on their homeworld instead of a repair station. It does not use logistics slots. - Rebel Alliance Deep Space Development tech now only requires 5 civic labs. - Rebel Alliance Smuggler Contact's tech now gives a 25% price reduction to Smuggler Specialization upgrades (Outlaw Sectors DLC). - New Rebel Alliance Tech - Rebel Tactics, gives a bonus to attacking enemy infrustructure when first entering a planet for a few minutes. - Rebel Secondary Armament tech now gives extra ion weapons to B-wing and Y-wing fighters. - Alliance Refineries no longer require metal techs to be researched. - A number of Rebel Alliance Enterprise tree techs have been moved around. - Rebel/New Republic starbase now can use the Scramble Starfighers ability immediately after research. - Gets more powerful with every hangar upgrade. - Mon Cala planet captureable shipyards can now build a Mediator Battlecruiser titan. Planet defenders have been strengthened. - Adjusted the damage different ship types do to Corvettes. Antifigher deals more damage, long range less. - Empire and Rebel's Shield Generator is now a Shield Gate. New model, is more expensive, but supports a fighter squad. - New model for Star Wars factions culture station. - New/Revised Dialog for the Carrack Cruiser, Vindicator/Enforcer Cruiser, Lancer Frigate, Gladiator Star - Destroyer, and Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser. - New Dialog for Alliance hero Traest Kre'fey. - The Galactic Empire's Morale Penalty on planets have been changed to be less severe, but can stack more times if multiple planets are lost. - Grand Moff Ardus Kaine's Logistics Ability now increases Max Hull Points, provides larger hull repair bonus. - Grand Moff Ardus Kaine's New Order Enforcer ability now heals hull for the duration of the ability. - Warlord Zsinj's Iron Aura is no longer triggered by Corvettes. - Increased the damage of TIE Intercetors and A-wings. - Fixed an issue with Teren Rogriss' Reverse Gravity Generators ability. - Fixed many Star Wars Titans using Capitalship damage instead of Titan damage for some of their weapons. - Fixed an issue with Nebulon-B Frigates and Bulk Cruisers using the wrong damage type. - Fixed a crash that could occur when an Imperial player experienced the Partisans random event on one of their planets. - Fixed an audio problem with another Mandalorian Turbolaser sound. - Added a missing Dwarf Planet spawn near Dathomir on the New Territories map. - Removed random artifacts and planet bonuses from Competitive maps, to have less RNG as they are in vanilla. Изменения в 3.6 (Beta 2): ** Special Subfaction and Campaigns ** *Added a new special Imperial subfaction, Reborn Emperor Palpatine's Dark Empire. Is only available on special campaign missions. *Added 6 new "Campaign Missions". These are special missions with unique objectives and starting forces, and even voiced briefings! *War of the Sith - Lead the Dark Empire against Darth Vader in the Interregnum universe to reclaim Coruscant for Palpatine. *Now I am the Master - Lead Darth Vader's forces in the core worlds to rise up and kill the Emperor once and for all. *Dark Empire - Based on the actual Legends Dark Empire comic, take control of Palpatine's forces and crush the Rebellion once and for all. *Battle of Calamari - The other half of the canon campaigns, reorganize the fleeing Alliance forces to defend Mon Calamari and defeat the Dark Empire. *Operation Shadow Hand - Command the Dark Empire to conquer the entire Interregnum galaxy, defeating the New Republic and Sins factions alike. *Empire's End - Hold the line for the New Republic and work with your Triple Alliance allies to defeat the Dark Empire across the galaxy. ** New Units ** *Vigil Corvette, a light frigate which has replaced the Carrack Cruiser for the Imperial Warlords. *Arquitens Command Cruiser, a support cruiser that has been added to all Imperial Factions. *Golan-I Space Defense Platform, a tactical structure that has been added to all Imperial Factions. *Procursator Star Destroyer, a capitalship that has been added to all Imperial Factions. *RebelOne type Destroyer (modified Providence class), a capitalship that has replaced the Providence class Destroyer for the Rebel Alliance. *Star Home Capitalship for the Hapes Consortium minor faction. *Queen Mother Ta'a Chume, a hero unit for the Orthodox Advent. *New fighters for Hapan units. Hapan units now use the Miy'til Starfighter and Miy'til Assault Bomber for their strikecraft. *Eclipse Star Dreadnaught, a titan obtainable from conquering Byss. *Emperor Palpatine, a titan for the campaign only Dark Empire subfaction. *Shadow Droids, a special starfighter for the campaign only Dark Empire subfaction. ** Graphics ** *The following units have received significant graphical updates. *Interdictor Star Destroyer *Centerpoint Station *Star Forge *Golan-III Space Defense Platform *Chelandion Assault Cruiser *Firespray Interceptor *B-wing *X-wing *Vengeance Frigate *MC30c *Assault Frigate Mrk 1 *Added a number of new player icons. *Imperial HUD-icons now have a navy blue background color. ** Imperial Balance Changes ** *Reduce income from Warlords Blackmarket Technology research. *Halved Imperial Capitalships innate credit generation. *Imperial Rank research cost and time has been increased to bring it more into line with other factions fleet research. *Warlord research lab cost are now the same as other factions. *Warlord Ysanne Isard's Rothana Engineering Research now increases armor by 2, up from 1. *Joining Director Isard as a Warlord now gives an extra 5% chance for all units to bypass shields due to superior intelligence data. *Joining Grand Moff Ardus Kaine's as a Warlord now gives an additional 10% bonus to experience earned in friendly gravity wells. *Warlord Ardus Kaine's Neutrality Proclamation now also increases the rate of enemy allegiance change by 10%. *Slightly reduce damage/endurance of the Vindicator and Enforcer cruisers. *The Vindicator's Escort ability now only gives the damage buff to the Vindicator, and the shield restoration to the target. *Teren Rogriss' Deploy the 181st ability now has two levels, increases damage taken by all enemy strikecraft by 35%/55%, up from 15%. *Imperial "Advanced Damage Control" Capitalship upgrade now begins healing the ship after 1-2 minutes of not taking damage, down from 4-8. *Golan-III Defense Platform now requires research to unlock, as the Golan-I as taken its place as the starting defense structure. ** Alliance Balance Changes ** *The following new research items have been added to the New Republic, to help alleviate some specific weaknesses. *Local Defense Forces: Tier 1 Defense. Newly colonized planets will build up to 3 Free XQ Platforms over time that do not use Tactical Slots. *Standardization: Tier 5 Civic. Increases Shipbuilding rate and Hull Restore Rate. *Economic Codevelopment: Tier 6 Civic. Increases available Logistic Slots at all worlds by 4. Requires Standardization *The New Republics innate Planet Development bonus increased to 25% cost reduction, 55% faster build speed. *New Repulic's Expedited Incorporation technology now adds population when colonizing a planet. *Adjusted New Republic New Class Research costs. Most are now twice as expensive and take 50% longer to research as standard techs at the tier, but unlock 2 or more ships or improvements. *The New Republic E-Wing and K-wing research items have been combined into a new item called "Next Generation Fighters" at tier 6. *The Proficient Light Cruiser is now unlocked by its own research at tier 3, instead of as part of the New Class line Phase 2. *The Liberator Cruiser is now unlocked by its own research at tier 5, instead of as part of the New Class line Phase 3. *Viscount Star Defender's Aegis of the Alliance now heals shields. Total healing is still the same, but in a 50:50 hull to shields ratio. *Nebula Star Destroyer's Pride of the Fleet ability now only procs when the Nebula's weapons fire, but restores antimatter to the entire fleet when it does so. *Bothan Assault Cruiser's Exploit Vulnerabilities buffed to reduce enemy shield mitigation by 8/12/16/20% *Bothan Assault Cruiser's quick reflexes now reduces ability cooldown time instead of antimatter regeneration. Increased rate of fire buff when it takes damage. *Bothan Assault Cruiser's Ark'rai ability is now passive. Triggers whenever a capitalship/starbase/titan is destroyed in range, or if the owned planet the BAC is orbiting is lost. *Sacheen Escort Frigate's Ion Strike ability no longer uses antimatter. Cooldown reduced to 10 seconds, shield damage and antimatter drain rebalanced for a net increase per minute. *Prowler's Stealth Drive ability no longer has an initial antimatter cost. *Majestic Cruiser's Targeting System ability range bonus increased from 15% to 20%. Added 5% extra shield bypass chance. *Liberator Cruiser's Dual Shot ability damage buffed from 100 to 200 damager per target. *Liberator Cruiser's range increased from 3500 to 4700. *Liberator Cruiser's cost reduced to 1820/600/180. *Hajen's Rupture ability damage increased from 250 to 350. *Proficient Cruiser now also debuffs antimatter regeneration rate when firing on targets without shields. *Proficient now has a slight chance to disable frigates with shields down that are hit by its ion cannons. *Proficient Cruiser now has a researchable Charged Ion Blast ability, which gives it the ability to briefly disable frigates and structures. *Slightly buffed the Proficent's Energy Weapon debuff to 5/7.5% per stack. *The MC80 Liberty, MC80B, and MC90 are now available earlier in the tech tree. *MC80B's Final Stand ability now gives its buff to targets on less than 33% health, up from 20%. *CR90 Harass ability damage increased from 40 to 100 damage. *The CR90s Harass ability research is now available at tier 2 *Rebels now get a passive 10% bonus to capitalship experience. *Rebel On the Job Training is now available at tier 2, is now one level but gives the same 20% bonus as before. *Rebel Modified Marauder Cruiser will now prefer to fire at max range with Proton Torpedoes, instead of closing to turbolaser range. *MC30 Frigate now uses CAPITALSHIP damage type for its Proton Torpedoes, making it more versatile against a wider variety of targets. *MC80 Command Cruiser's Colonize ability reworked. No longer gives a maximum population bonus, population growth rate bonus increased to 50% per level. *MC80 Command Cruiser's Heart of the Fleet damage reduction increased to 7.5% per level. *MC80 Command's Fortification ability now restores the hit points of the targeted planet. *Bulk Cruiser's Spare Parts ability no longer requires research, like the Imperial Dreadnaught. *Adjusted the Endurance Fleet Carrier's antimatter pool to be slightly better than most carriers. *Endurance Fleet Carrier's Starfighter Controller ability now costs less antimatter, provides more shield mitigation, and gives a chance to bypass shields instead of a damage increase. *The Providence's Half a Ship ability now restores 50% of hull on death and keeps the ship alive for 60 seconds. The ship is now destroyed only when hitting the time limit or being reduced to 0 hull again. *Insurrection Center Superweapon now spawns a large swarm of Starfighters to join the free ships it spawns. *Alliance Encouragement Starbase Upgrade culture spread rate reduced by ~30%. *Launch Rogue Squadron ability on Han Solo now gives all strikecraft 50& extra chance to dodge, up from 15%. *Assault Frigate Mrk II's Assault Shields ability Shield Restore bonus increased from 50% to 100%. ** Galaxy Changes ** *New special Star Wars planet Fondor added. A well defended Shipyard world, Fondor improves repair rates throughout your Empire, and allows the Bellator Star Dreadnaught and Allegiance Battlecruisers to be purchased. *New special Star Wars planet Byss added. The secret Citadel of the reborn Emperor himself, rumors say it is guarded by something called an "Eclipse Star Dreadnaught". *Added New Minor Factions *Balmorran Arms *Czerka Corporation *Intergalactic Banking Clan *Kaarenth Dissension *New Multiplayer Focused Maps by Caesars_Legion (Normal and Competitive Versions) *Coruscant Conundrum *Fondor Assault *Bantha Poodoo *Pinnacle *Kuat Skirmish *Byss Spiral *Opportunism *Stellar Conflict *Core Collision *New Atlas maps based on the Star Wars Galaxy *Legacy of the Old Republic by Donos *Southern Axis by Caesars_Legion *Many maps based on the Star Wars Galaxy have been updated with guaranteed minor faction spawns (if they are turned on) on planets the minor factions actually controlled. *Hutt Space has been reworked to be a 6 player map. *The Core World map has been reworked to allow the new Byss planet and to make player spawns more even. *Stock Sins "The Void" map now works with Star Wars factions. *Coruscant now supports building three Starbases. *Reduced the maximum population of Kuat. ** Bug and Oversight Fixes ** *Increased damage of the Broadside Cruiser and Assault Frigate Mrk II to be closer to the vanilla antimodule cruiser damage. *Increased the Build Time of TIE Fighters and Styk Fighters to better scale with their large squadron size. *The Nebula Star Destroyer's Torpedo Volley ability now bypasses shields as intended. *Admiral Screed's Reconstruction ability no longer needs to face the target to be used. *Bellator Star Dreadnaught's Horrid War ability no longer needs to face the target to be used. *Fixed some issues with the Alliance and New Republic AI. *Fixed a bug where Ysanne Isard's Krytos Virus was increasing hull restoration of infected ships instead of decreasing it. *Fixed a bug where the Interdictor Star Destroyer's Gravitational Waves ability received a range decrease instead of increase at level 4. *Fixed a bug where Grand Admiral Thrawn's Prediction ability triggered immediately, instead of after an ability cast. He also no longer needs to face the target to use this ability. *Fixed a bug where the Alliance Rise Up research would not reduce the allegiance of adjacent enemy planets as intended. *The Imperial II Star Destroyer's Rebel Scum ability is now properly recognized by the game as an ultimate ability. *The Galaxy Gun and Insurrection Center superweapons no longer default to auto cast being on. *Force Harvester artifact now heals all ships in a conquered gravity well, not just those with weapons. *Imperial Jovan Starbase Trade Upgrade now required Trade Ports to be researched, like other starbases. *Prince Isolder now has the intended 70% max shield mitigation for a hero unit, up from 60%. *Increased Antimodule Cruiser XP values to be more in line with other combat frigates, as they can now attack ships. *The MC90's Hold the Line Ability now properly reduces the damage taken of friendly planets as intended. *All variants of Marauder Cruisers no longer have antimatter, as they have no abilities that need it. *MC80 Command Cruiser's Cluster Shot can now target as well as damage Corvettes, as intended. *Mandalorian Protector Gunship now uses heavy armor, as intended for an Antifighter ship. *Fixed a UI issue where the wrong research icon for the "Torpedo Salvo" research was displayed *"Alliance Tactical Doctrine" research now properly gives stolen income to the Rebel player *Mad Vasari Titan Random Event no longer causes instant crashes with Sins 1.96 and above *Standardized Dreadnuaght Heavy Cruisers weapon types to all deal COMPOSITE AKA Heavy Cruiser damage. *Fixed a bug that caused one particular loading screen picture to never be picked to display. ** Other Changes ** *Increased the Planet Bombing range of all Titans to 5000. *Improved the New Republic AI. *Alliance AI Faction name Corellian Resistance renamed to Corellian Security Force to not conflict with minor faction name. Изменения в 3.7 (Beta 2.5): New Units - The TIE Heavy Bomber has replaced the TIE Bomber (B) as the Imperial "Antimodule" bomber. This bomber is now researched along with the TIE Interceptor. Balance Changes Global - Pact Rework - See Enhanced 4X Changelog. - Resource Rework - See Enhanced 4X Changelog. - Temporary summoned units with strikecraft will now get a brief instant fighter build soon after the enter the gravity well. - Reduced damage of AntiMedium (Long range Frigates) to VeryHeavy (Heavy Cruisers) from 0.75 to 0.55. - Reduced damage of AntiVeryLight (fighters and flak) against Heavy, VeryHeavy, Capitalship, and Titan armor types. - Reduced AntiVeryHeavy damage (Bombers) against Heavy armor (Flak/Support Cruisers). - Reduced AntiModule damage (Antistructure Cruisers, Antistructure Bombers) against Heavy armor (Flak/Support Cruisers). - Increase Antimodule Frigate durability by 50%, reduce speed from 450 to 400. - Reduce Antimodule Bomber damage by 10%. Imperial - Grand Moff Ardus Kaine ability rework. - New Ultimate Ability - Pentastar Talks. Gravity Well wide peace effect while he's in the system, including planet invulnerability. If used at a minor faction, it causes it to join your Empire until Kaine dies. - Removed Deploy Defenders ability. Kaine's previous ultimate, New Order Enforcer, is now a non-ultimate ability that takes its place. - Director Ysanne Isard's Krytos Virus ability now reduces culture rate rather than trade income. Slightly lowered the rate of planet/population death. - 'Deploy Defenders ability on the Bellator Star Dreadnaught now last longer and can be used slightly more often at higher levels. - Darth Vader no longer needs to face the target to use his Force Choke ability. - Admiral Screed's Special Nergon Warheads ability damage increased to 40/60/80/100, shield restoration debuff doubled to 20/30/40/50. - Admiral Screed can now be now be researched after completing only 14 technologies. - Admiral Piett's Vengeance ability can now stack up to 10 times. - Admiral Piett's Uncanny Surivor ability now has only two levels with a cooldown time of 600/300 seconds. Level 2 new restores 75% of Piett's hull. - Admiral Piett's Intensify Forward Firepower now has a 4th level that lasts an addition 5 seconds, gives extra 10% to allied damage and enemy strikecraft vulnerability. - Admiral Harrsk's Turbo Blitz ability damage increased to 60/80/100/120 per Turbolaser volley. - Admiral Harrsk's Grand Enterance Damage Reduction bonus increased to 20/35/50%. - Admiral Harrsk's Press the Enemy Weapon Cooldown bonus increased to 7.5/12.5% per stack. - Admiral Harrsk's Fatal Strike ability now kills the target if its hull is reduced to less than 20%. - Teren Rogriss' Reverse Gravity Generators no longer affects Titans. AM cost increased from 55 to 75 antimattter. - Drains 4 antimatter a second at all levels. Range reduced from 8000 to 6000/6333/6666/7000. - Teren Rogriss can now be now be researched after completing only 15 technologies. - Activate Gravity Well Generators on Teren Rogriss and the Interdictor Star Destroyer cooldown increased from 10 seconds to 20 seconds. - Ion Barrage ability on the Imperial II Star Destoryer reduced from 100 to 70, Cooldown time reduce to 60/57/54/50. - Imperial II Star Destroyer's Induce Terror Antimatter cost reduced from 150 to 100, Cooldown time reduce from 120 to 100. - Reduced Interdictor Star Destroyer's Gravitational Wave's Physical Damage reduction to 50/95/135/170%. It can now also be interrupted. - Victory-II Star Destroyer's Target Communications ability now applies the debuff to all strikecraft in the gravity well. Increased debuff by 50%. - Empire's Open the Gate ability research reduced from tier 7 to tier 6. - Open the Gate's cooldown reduced from 300 to 240 seconds. - Galactic Empire Morale Penalty no longer applies to minor faction planets or units under their control. - Warlord System Redesign research Damage/Hull/Shield bonus increased from 5% to 7.5% per level. - Imperial temporary ships spawned by their various defense structures, E.g. the Starbases' Call for - Reinforcements, now have their jump drives disabled. - Broadside Cruiser's Diamond Boron Missile splash damage now has a target cap of 8. - TIE Interceptors no longer need the Captain Rank research to unlock. - Increase TIE Defender armor from 2.5 to 4, reduce antimatter cost from 100 to 85. - TIE Defender research requirement lowered from Rear Admiral to Captain. Alliance - Mediator Star Defender Fleet Defender ability now increases its maximum shields by 2000/2750/3500/4250 for the duration of the ability, and instantly restores that number of shield points. - Mediator Star Defender Invincible Superstructure Armor bonus doubled from 2/3/4/5 to 4/6/8/10. - Mediator Star Defender Stabilizing Presence Damage Reduction doubled from 20/30% to 40/60%. Now also gives a 25/50% Damage Output buff to allies. - Viscount Star Defender's Vanquish ability no longer needs to face its target. - Garm Bel Iblis' Insurgency ability now places a jump point at the enemy planet while active. - Reduced the level required to unlock Garm Bel Iblis' Raider and We Can and We Will Abilities to 4/6 respectively. - Reduced the amount of technologies to unlock Hero Units Iblis/Isolder to 14. - MC80 Command Cruiser's Cluster Shot ability Antimatter cost increased from 80 to 100, cooldown reduced from 50/47/43/40 to 25/24/22/20, damage increased from 75/88/101/115 to 90/120/150/180 - MC80B Star Cruiser's Tractor Array ability capture chance increased to 33/50%. Reduced AM Cost from 180 to 150. - Reduced Cooldown from 90 to 80/70. Duration now fixed at 45. - Liberty Star Cruiser's Ion Barrage ability on the Antimatter cost reduced from 100 to 70, Cooldown time reduce to 60/57/54/50. - Assault Frigate Mrk II's Assault Shields ability shield regen bonus increased from 100% to 200%, shield mitigation bon us increased from 10% to 15%, and now gives it an additional 20% damage against structures and starbases while active. - Proficient Cruiser's shield only Ion Damage increased by 66%. - Reduced Cooldown and Antimatter cost of Proficient Cruisers Ion Disable ability. - Reduced the Shield Bypass and Rate of Fire bonuses of the Marauder Cruiser's Torpedo Salvo ability to 10% each (The Proton Torpedo turret retains the previous values). - The Y-wing no longer requires research to unlock. - Alliance "New Coalition" research no longer requires prerequisites. - Alliance Tactical Doctrine buff no longer gives units extra damage against structures and starbases. It now increases damage structures only take by 250%, but only triggers for 2 minutes no more often than every five minutes. - Alliance Tactical Doctrine's bonus damage now applies only to structures, and no longer applies to Starbases. Graphical Updates - Interdictor Abilities now display a Gravity Well Generator particle above the ship, making it easier to identify which ship is using the ability. - Interdictor Star Destroyer's Gravitation Waves ability now displays a particle to indicate its area of effect. - New Icon for the Empire's "Starfighter Defenses" research. Bug Fixes and General Improvements - Endurance Fleet Carrier's AA Coordination ability now correctly damages hull as intended. Range buff no longer stacks with two Endurances. - Activate Ray Shields on the Providence & RebelOne Destroyers can now be interrupted, in line with changes to other power surge like abilities. - Viscount's Aegis of the Alliance ability will no longer cease and consume Only Hope if Only Hope is used in the middle fo the cast. - MC80B's Tractor Array can now properly capture Corvettes. - Teren Rogriss' Interdiction ability now correctly takes 5 seconds after being activated to apply like other Interdictors. - Hapan Battledragon's Rotate Weapons can now be cast more than once as intended. - Modified (Assassin) Corvettes no longer have a useless antimatter pool. - Golan-I Defense Platform's Turbolasers now deal Anti-medium instead of Anti-light damage as intended. - Modernized older abilities that apply buffs to units and planets outside the current gravity well to be more efficient. - Corrected the research costs of several technologies. - Star Wars factions now gain the intended amount of diplomatic bonus from their final relations technology. - Fixed problems with Mandalore's spawn chance on many maps. Other Improvements - Names and icons for the 8 new "E4X" artifacts (Hidden Academy etc) have been replaced with Star Wars lore versions (the original Sins artifacts had already been adjusted). None of the effects of the artifacts have changed. - Added unique fire and impact sounds for Proton Bomb weapons. - Shortened the Imperial Alarm sound (used on Superweapon Activations, Titan launches etc) to a single blare. Изменения в 3.71 (Beta 2.51): - Grand Admiral Thrawn's innate passive replaced. Now Thrawn spawns 4 TIE Defender squadrons when first attacked in a gravity well, instead of giving allies an accuracy buff. - Change Trade Port costs from 900/175/150 to 450/275/250. - Added a target cap to RebelOne's Deploy Spec Ops ability of 6/9/12/15 frigates and 1/2/3/4 capitalships. - Reduced Credits/Metal earned from RebelOne's Limpet Ships ability to 75/15. - Golan Hangar Bay tech no longer requires Golan-III as a research prerequisite. - Golan Hangar Bays research moved down to tier 2, Golan Missile Launchers moved down to tier 3. - Increased Golan-I's anti-fighter missile damage from 30 to 42. - Increased Golan-III's anti-ship missile damage from 60 to 150. - Add new Cluser Bombs ability icon. - Fixed a crash bug that would occur if a VIR player researched and used the Bi-directional Jamming ability. - Fixed an issue where temporary ships summoned by the Imperial "Summon Reinforcements" / "Pentastar Patrol Forces" etc. abilities would not auto engage enemy units. - Prevented a bug where using the Eclipse's Superlaser on a wormhole would turn it into a dead asteroid. - Fixed a UI bug where Grand Admiral Thrawn's research said it also unlocked Executor Sedriss.